Сифилис (у женщин)



  • Боль или дискомфорт в разных частях тела
  • Волдыри на коже
  • Жар
  • Заблуждения
  • Кожная сыпь
  • Невозможность моргнуть или закрыть веко
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Сифилис – это инфекция, обусловленная соответствующими бактериями (treponema pallidum), которая передается половым путём. Беременные женщины могут передать сифилис своему ребёнку. Болезнь имеет три стадии – первичный, вторичный и третичный. На первых стадиях может не быть никакой симптоматики либо только лёгкие симптомы. Однако на поздних стадиях нелечимый сифилис приводит к необратимому поражению головного мозга, нервов и сердца.

Чего ожидать

In the first stage, syphilis causes a painless sore on the genital area. This sore appears about two to three weeks after infection and clears up in few weeks on its own. About two to eight weeks later, the second stage of syphilis may cause a rash all over the body, achy muscles and joints, headache, or flu-like symptoms. If not treated in the first two stages, syphilis may spread to the brain, heart, and nervous system and cause severe health problems. It can take many years for syphilis to move into the third stage. Syphilis can be treated at all stages with antibiotics. But if it is not treated until the third stage, it may cause long-term health problems.


A simple blood test can identify syphilis in the carrier.



Syphilis usually is treated with antibiotics. You will need to have follow-up blood tests after your treatment to make sure the syphilis is gone. You shouldn't have sex until your doctor tells you the syphilis is gone.

Когда обратиться к врачу

You should see a doctor if you have any symptoms of syphilis or if you have had sex with someone who has syphilis. Symptoms may include a sore on the genitals that goes away after a few weeks, a rash that can cover the entire body, fever, muscle ache or joint pain, headache, patchy hair loss, or swollen lymph nodes.

Факторы риска

You may be at higher risk for syphilis if you have sex with many partners, have HIV, or have unprotected sex. Using a condom protects against syphilis.

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